Launch Letter

Launch Letter

Hi Friends!

As I write this, chemo has made my sight blurry and my feet useless, while cancer fights to claim more of my body. Yet my vision for what’s ahead has never been more clear, my path never more sure. Today, I have hope in my heart and joy in my spirit.

As most of you know, at the age of 31 I was diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer. Yet I just marked my seven-year survivor anniversary! In these 2,555 days, I’ve endured nine surgeries, an incalculable amount of suffering and pain, as well as two years of chemo… and counting. With a terminal diagnosis, some might say that there’s no real reason to hope. But I know the ultimate hope. And He’s turning my pain into purpose.

I’m continuing to write my memoir, with dreams of finding a publisher and bringing hope to every corner of the world I can reach. I deeply feel that there is more God wants me to do with this gift of life. His voice is beckoning me to stay on this difficult path, filled with great unknowns. I’m determined to listen.

I believe God is calling me to a life of service as an end-of-life doula. End-of-life doulas help people pass into death like a birth doula helps babies pass into life. I will be walking with those who are on their way home, helping them find comfort and peace in their last days. I will journey with them as they face the fear and anxiety that often comes with death, working to make their passing less scary and more beautiful – and dare I say, even joyful. Many of you know that this work merges three passions of mine that have been growing for years: helping those who are hurting, making things beautiful, and telling people about the hope I’ve found in God. There’s a profound need for this kind of support, as health care providers and clergy don’t have the numbers or man hours to fill this difficult gap that occurs in end-of-life care.

I’m asking for your support as I answer this call. First, I am humbly and sincerely asking you to pray with me. At times, I’m sure, journeying with people who are dying will be difficult and dark. Yet I know that it will also be a sacred privilege. I am praying, as I hope you will, that God will give me his strength so I can carry it — bad feet, blurry vision, nausea and all. Second, since this will be a ministry and not a profit-making business, I’m asking you to become a patron, supporting this calling with a monthly financial gift.

Giving $25, 50 or even $100 a month will make this journey possible and bring greater peace to someone at the end of their life.

I want to comfort the suffering, help them finish their race well and share the hope I've found.

Will you journey with me?

With love and gratitude,


P.S. Please click here for more information about my non-profit model. I hope you will share the link with friends, family, colleagues, neighbors -- anyone who you think might be interested in joining me as I walk this path.